Thursday, January 13, 2011

intention to transform

We have to change to survive. Like it or not, change will happen to you and all around you; what will you do with it?


Change everything you touch. Transform yourself, and see how everyone around you is suddenly transformed. Transform your fear into strength, your confusion into clarity, your judgement into love. Transform your relationships with your parents, your children, with the universe. Transform your thoughts into action, your ideas into reality. Transform that dark and dingy back room into a light and airy writing space. Transform your bedroom into a serene and sacred temple. Now transform yourself into the goddess who lives there. Transform that old beaten-up green truck into a place where magic dwells. Transform two carrots, some leftover noodles, half an onion, and a few drops of olive oil into dinner for three. Transform these simple words into a prayer for transformation.

--Rachel Snyder

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A New Year- my musings

Wow, it has been a long time since I blogged- maybe I should resolve to stay on top of this! Since my last blog, I have become a mother! My whole life has been turned upside down, and I am loving every second of it. On one hand, my patience has grown (I have started baking for heaven's sake!) while on the other hand I have developed this extreme sense of guilt. Even as I write this, my mind is streaming all of the things that I should be catching up on; this blog could become a long to do list.

This week has been less than productive, it is only wednesday and I have not taught 3 of my normal classes. (Doesn't that already sound like a guilty statement?!) I have become very aware of the struggle that many new mothers deal with, the adoration of my child (he's perfect!) and the love of my career (and students). How do I nurture both a) without feeling depleted, b) while serving my dharma, c) ensuring connection- community with students and bonding with my son, d) having me time/time to be still and reflect... e) getting work done around the house (this includes wedding planning) and very importantly f) having quality time with David, the incredible man in my life. This is where my personal practice is most important.

SO, in light of a new year, it is time to get organized. Now, as a Virgo, I adore order. However, I have been a very fly by the seat of my pants-procrastination inspires me-make a decision at the last moment-let's see what happens type of gal. In the current roles that I play in this game we fondly refer to as life, this style of decision making and living is no longer serving me, oh but it is so hard to let it go! Certainly I will continue to "go with the flow" when I am in a situation that I have no control I really capable of scheduling things *gasp* a month in advance?! I am open minded about it- and positive.

Ultimately, we set these resolutions and goals for ourselves that can be so self limiting. Or we have these ideas and belief systems that confine us to what we think we should be but what would happen if we got a little more organized AND took ourselves out of the box. Wipe the guilt off of our snotty little noses, became more honest with ourselves and everyone else about expectations and forgiveness. This year, let's commit to resolutions and a change of mind. While aiming high, be gentle- take one breath at a time and sustain your energy and commitment to growth. When you get tired, rest and when you've rested too much light a fire under your rear. But change your perspective and be truthful. 2011 will be great- I can feel it!