Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Reflection of Commitment

"For me, as I look back, being a poet came after committing to speak though I had no idea what I needed to say, and the grace of being loved has come into my life after admitting freely that I wanted to love though I wasn't sure how." --Mark Nepo

Tears. And there are times when words are not enough. They sit there on my bottom lid. Simply because I am scared and alive. I am tired. The cycle of commitment has worn me thin and frayed the frail edges of my heart. With all the best intentions we approach the concept of commitment- it sounds like a great idea. But what happens when timing is off and there are tears in our eyes? I set my hands flat and commit pressure in my index finders, lean forward and my knees lift right into my armpits. Bakasana. Crow Pose. When I can not commit to someone else's arms, I can always hold myself.

1 comment:

absolutduck said...

Can't wait till your book comes out. Hope I can get a signed copy.